F Award: International award for concerned photography

Fabrica, the Benetton group's communication research center, and Forma, International Photography Centre, present the third edition of the F Award, an international photography contest for concerned photography open to photographers from all over the world.  The most interesting project will be awarded with an economical contribution of 20,000 euro and with the possibility to do an exhibition and to publish a book.  A special section, F25, for photographers under 25, will see the winner awarded with a one year scholarship at Fabrica. Submissions will be accepted until 31 May 2010. Entry form available at www.fff.ph       F Award 2010.pdf

Winners of the 2nd Edition

Leonie Purchas - F Award:

Munem Wasif - F25 Award:


Winners of the 1st Edition:

Jessica Dimmock - F Award:


Mikhael Subotzky - F25 Award:


About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by sherry cuttler published on May 3, 2010 7:12 PM.

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