Moving Walls is an annual documentary photography exhibition produced by the Open Society Institute. The exhibition series is an artistic interpretation of the obstacles (such as political oppression, economic instability, and racism) that society often erects and the struggles to tear those barriers down. Since its inception in 1998, Moving Walls has featured over 100 photographers whose works address a variety of social justice and human rights issues that coincide with OSI's mission.
Moving Walls 16 features the following six bodies of work:
Stefano De Luigi: "Liberia's Child Soldiers: Recovering Innocence"
Benjamin Lowy: "Iraq | Perspectives"
Eugene Richards: "War Is Personal"
Tomas van Houtryve: "Nepal: A 'People's War' Topples the God King"
Paolo Woods: "Chinafrica"
Zalmaï: "Promises and Lies: The Human Cost of the War on Terror in Afghanistan"