There are many on-line photographic projects out there but it's only once in a while you stumble upon a gem. Is there anyone among us who doesn't enjoy getting a surprise in the mail? Better still, what if you could receive an unexpected, sexy surprise in your email sometimes as often as twice a week, or as rarely as twice a year, depending on the whims of the sender? That's the promise of Nofound (secret), a mailing list that periodically sends its subscribers selected nude photos (of the artistic, rather than pornographic, type). Nofound(secret) is a private newsletter curated by Parisian Emeric Glayse about nude contemporary photography by email. Sign up at your non-work account and be sporadically but pleasantly surprised ;)
Also see Nofound, a non-profit curatorial blog project created by Emeric Glayse where contemporary photographers are invited to show fragments of their diaries.
my secrets:
letter_02, rikki kasso 20-08-2009
letter_03, lina scheynius 25-08-2009