Rain Room


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5th European Month of Photography Berlin

October 19-November 25, 2012



The festival presents a broad spectrum of exhibitions and events that address this year's theme, "The View of the Other".  It highlights, from various perspectives, a variety of thematic and medial aspects: topics such as the construction of identity, exoticisation, colonialism, voyeurism, reflections on the familiar and the alien and much more.




René Groebli, "Untitled". From the series

"Das Auge der Liebe." 

Photo © René Groebli

'Future of Photography' examined 'what's next' in the contemporary photography landscape. Panel discussions members included Marc Feustel (Eyecurious blog), Simon Baker (Curator of Photography and International Art, Tate), James Reid (Director of Photography at Wallpaper), Christine Ollier (Artistic Director of Galerie les Filles du Calvaire), Francois Hébel (Director of Les Rencontres d'Arles Festival). The discussion, hosted at the UnSeen Festival, was moderated by Marcel Feil, Artistic Director of FOAM.

Ikea is is turning to 3-D graphics, instead of photography, to help sell furniture and household goods in its current catalog.  Can you tell the difference?




Top image = 3D graphic render; Middle image = 3D Graphic render; Bottom image = photograph. 

The Wall Street Journal reports that IKEA is slowly moving away from using photography in its catalogs in favor of CGI for its online and print publications.

Paris Photo Highlights

Paris Photo 2012

15-18 November 2012         


Grand Palais

Avenue Winston-Churchill

75008 Paris

Hours: Thursday-Sunday noon-8pm

Off the s{h}elf - Open Call

'Off the shelf: the self and subjectivity in the artist's book' is an exhibition dedicated to various expressions of subjectivity in artist's publications. It aims to bring together contributions from a variety of formats and editions that consider the self in the artist's book. Exhibition dates: 7- 9 December 2012

The exhibition will focus on contemporary publications and welcomes submissions from a wide range of genres, including: handmade books, object-books, sculptural books, altered books, installation books, photobooks, photozines, print-on-demand books, zines, serial editions (artists' magazines), multimedia books and ebooks. Potential topics might include, but are not limited to:

Self-portraits as self-analysis

Archival practices of the self

Family albums and personal narratives

Gender and feminist narratives

Queer identities

Auto-biography and fictional biographies

Sexualities and space

Performance of the self

Travel book and diasporic strategies

To submit your book, visit the page



See here for a listing of what's on 

See here for the brochure: bpb_brochure_small.pdf

Also a shout out for my friends Laure Martineau and Pantchika Bur who are exhibiting at Brighton Photo Fringe: The Coach House, 22 Walpole Road, BN2 0EA from 6th to 14th October 2012.

Masterclass: Photography with the iPhone

The Guardian is holding a masterclass on Photography with the iPhone, taking place on Monday 24th September 2012, led by Richard Gray

See here for further details. 


Time: 7.00-10:30pm

Location: The Guardian, 90 York Way, King's Cross, London, N1 9GU

Date: 24 September 2012

To book: click here



Love this work by Julien Grossman, although not sure what it means : http://www.juliengrossmann.com/ > La Chute Des Monarchies, 2005 > play video at bottom of page.


Video projected on the wall, various crowns fall one after the other and explode upon reaching the ground, where a pile of marble rubble has accumulated. Two speakers are placed up high, diffusing repetitious electronic music, while two other speakers, hidden under the mound of stones, emit crashing booms and the exclamations of a crowd.



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Contemporary Japanese Photobooks

The exhibition Contemporary Japanese Photobooks is currently on display at the newly re-designed Photographers' Gallery in London. Curated by Jason Evans (photographer) and Ivan Vartanian (the co-author of the landmark study Japanese Photobooks of the 1960s and '70s), the exhibition presents a diverse range of photobooks published over the last decade.

13th July - 9th September 2012

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Sally Mann: Faces




Prints Charming

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Image source: Adam Broomberg and Oliver Chanarin

Website Graph

Here is a java applet that traverses the html of a webpage and turns it into a visual graphic.  Website graphs are the work of Marcel Salathe, a young conceptual artist living inZurichSwitzerland

Photographsdonotbend today i.e. Aug-2012

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For 'Partners (The Teddy Bear Project)', curator Ydessa Hendeles collected more than 3,000 photographs
of teddy bears dating from roughly 1900-1940. These photographs are presented in a floor-to-ceiling, two-
storey installation designed to evoke an atmosphere of a library or archive room. The images are arranged 
in categories that reflect the peculiar ubiquity of the teddy bear as a symbolic object: children, men and women, 
soldiers, and elderly people holding teddy bears, people dressed up as teddy bears, or teddy bears in the background 
of significant social moments. First shown in Toronto in 2002-2003, 'Partners (The Teddy Bear Project)' later traveled to 
the Haus der Kunst in Munich, the National Gallery of Canada, and the Gwangji Art Biennale 2010. 

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Ydessa Hendeles, Partners (The Teddy Bear Project) (details), 2002.jpg

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Interactive installations - works where the art emerges in the interaction with the participant.

Berlin-based polish artist Karina Smigla-Bobinski has conceived 'ADA', a giant interactive analogue installation. The sculpture manifests 
itself as a large, clear helium-filled membrane studded with charcoal spikes, roaming freely within a white room. Users are encouraged 
to engage with the object by pushing and spinning it as it floats within the space, where the walls then slowly accumulate marks and flecks. 
The balloon is about three feet in diameter with 300 charcoal sticks attached to its surface via a technique the artist generated especially 
for the work, each about 10 inches apart. The premise of the artwork references the 19th century mathematician, Ada Lovelace.

'ADA' by Karina Smigla-Bobinska, Helium balloon, charcoal stick:

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Change in Direction

The content of this blog is changing.  My growing interest in curatorial practice has eclipsed my interest in contemporary photography. As my knowledge and interest evolves,  I plan to include more material and information on curating contemporary art in the UK, both on this site and partner site:  Curating the Contemporary

Sole 1988 & 2011 Buenos Aires 


Pancho 1983 & 2010, Buenos Aires

many more, here ...

Back to the Future Part 1

Prints Charming




Five photographers have been shortlisted in this year's Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait Prize, run by the National Portrait Gallery. They are Jasper Clarke, David Knight, Dona Schwartz, Jooney Woodward and Jill Wooster. The exhibition will run at the National Portrait Gallery from 10 November 2011 - 12 February 2012. For more info visit www.npg.co.uk.


Jasper Clarke, Wen 2011


Jooney Woodward, Harriet and Gentleman Jack.


Jill Wooster, Of Lili

David Maisel: History's Shadow

David Maisel:  History's Shadow


Tate Channel: Tate Shots

TateShots is an excellent series of short videos, produced by the Tate, with a focus on modern and contemporary art. 

Taryn Simon


Hayward Gallery, London 18 May - 29 August 2011

Love is what you want


Book launch:  In the Shadow Of Things by Léonie Hampton

Thursday, 12 May 2011, 18.30 - 22.30pm @ 22 Micawber Street, London, N1 7TS

About the book: For over a decade, Léonie's mother Bron found it impossible to empty the packing boxes which had filled her new home since the collapse of her first marriage. The boxes, along with stuffed plastic bags and accumulated artefacts from her former life, were a constant, physical reminder to her family of Bron's long-running battle with OCD and depression. In 2007, a deal was struck: Léonie would help Bron empty the house on the condition that she be allowed to document that process. For the book launch event, Léonie and her mother Bron will transform an abandoned warehouse creating an installation of objects that they found and sorted during the making of the book. There will also be a screening of a slideshow of the work, originally made for Foam Museum Amsterdam.

Mouche Mort Art

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Julie Fogarty: Bomb the Butch

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Iwajla, Berlin 2010

Florian DeLasse: "Présences"


by Floriane deLassee

now showing at Galerie Philippe Chaume in Paris,  8 April 2011 to 4th June 2011

Visit the artist's website and Vimeo to see more.

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